Monday, April 12, 2010

Contesting Speeding Tickets From Radar Guns - Simple Defenses to Help You Win

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One of the most popular methods of measuring the speed of vehicles is the radar gun. If you want to contest your speeding ticket, then you need to have some basic knowledge on the radar gun or at least it's legal uses in determining your speed.

There are four very common defenses against speeding tickets measured by radar guns. If any of these fit your situation, they should be brought up in court.

Was the radar reading taken while driving around a curve? - If your vehicle was traveling around a curve while the officer was not on that same curve, there can be an error in the reading making it seem that you were going considerably faster than what you really were going.

Was the officer in range? - Every jurisdiction will have different rules on how far away the officer should be when using a radar unit. If they are outside this range, you can use this as your defense that it's
legally unreliable for this speed to be used.

Has the radar gun been calibrated recently? - In most areas the radar gun has to be recalibrated at certain intervals in time like every three months or six months for example. This certification should be brought to court by the police officer. If the certification is not there or if it's outdated, then the radar results are unreliable and can't be used against you in court.

Did the officer maintain eyesight? - If the officer lost eyesight of the vehicle, how do they know that it was your car for sure? The officer may try to explain they saw a car about your color and size, but it should be pointed out that there is no way for the officer to be sure. The radar reading could have been taken on a similar vehicle and now is being used against you.

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